Introduction :
QR is short for Quick Response, and they are named so because they can be read quickly by a cell phone. They are used to take information from transitory media and put it on your cell phone. In this article, I will walk you through a tutorial on how to generate QR codes with Python.
What is a QR code?
QR codes are used to encode and decode the data into a machine-readable form. The use of camera phones to read two-dimensional barcodes for various purposes is currently a popular topic in both types of research and practical applications.
It contains a grid of black squares on a white background, which can be read by any imaging device such as a camera, and processed to extract the required data from the patterns that are present in the horizontal components of the image.
QR Codes with Python: Tutorial
In this section, I will take you through a tutorial on how to generate QR codes with Python. To generate QR Codes with Python you need to install only one Python library for this task:
pip install pyqrcode
Now let’s see how to create a QR Code with Python programming language:
import pyqrcode
from pyqrcode import QRCode
# String which represent the QR code
s = ""
# Generate QR code
url = pyqrcode.create(s)
# Create and save the png file naming "myqr.png"
# You Are Free To Change .svg to .png or .jpg as per your needs
url.svg("mywebsite.svg", scale = 8)
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